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How to Clean Up a Dining Area

dining room

You don’t get anything clean without getting something else dirty. Cecil Baxter

Sanitize the Baby Highchairs & Booster Seats

If you have a dishwasher, you can place the tray directly in the washer but make sure the washing cycle can reach a minimum of 16o° Fahrenheit.

You can also use dishwashing liquid and warm water to clean the entire chair. Use a wet wipe, a swab dipped in mouthwash that contains alcohol, and length of dental floss to clean the gunk from all of the nooks and crannies.

Every few days, wipe the chair with hydrogen peroxide which is a natural disinfectant that will kill the germs but won’t leave a residue behind. Do a deep cleaning weekly.

Clean the Table & Chairs

If your table is wood, use a wood cleaner (see the recipe). Clean and polish the dining room table, chairs, and other articles of furniture. Be sure to check underneath the seats. You might need to use a whisk brook to remove some spider webs. You can also use dishwashing liquid and warm water to clean the entire chair.

Gently Clean the Chandelier

If you have a simple pattern; just dust the fixture and light bulbs with an inexpensive paintbrush. It will make the room brighter, and you won’t see any webs when it isn’t Halloween. If you have one of the types with all of the pretty glass bangles, use this method:

It is best to turn the circuit breaker off in the room where the fixture is located. If it is not possible, be sure to cover the switch plate to ensure the light won’t be turned on while you’re cleaning.

Place a blanket or tarp under the chandelier before you begin to catch the dust and (hopefully) break the fall if you drop a fragile piece of the glass.

Use a solution of 3 parts warm water and 1 part white vinegar, and mix into a spray bottle. Spray a lint-free cloth with the solution and wipe down the spindle and arms of the chandelier. Use a dry lint-free cloth to buff it dry.

Clean the prisms using a vinegar/water solution sprayed on a cloth. Wear a pair of white/cotton gloves, so you don’t leave any smudges. You can purchase the gloves at a thrift shop for a minimal fee or online.

Tip: As you are cleaning the chandelier, be sure to lay out the prisms in a pattern, so you understand which way to place them back on the frame.

Remove all items from the cabinet and clean it. Use some of the wood cleaner to refresh the surface, naturally.

Take just five minutes to do a quick run in the china cabinet. You might be surprised what you end up with in your box of questionable items. Quickly, consider items you can easily part with and place them into a keep—toss— donate stack. Don’t be tempted to put it in the attic! Save the heirloom pieces and consider consigning, donating, or gifting the items.

It depends on how much silver you have, whether you clean it for now or wait until you have spare time in your schedule.

Clean the Curtains

Vacuum the curtains using the upholstery attachment. A quick once over should do the trick to remove most of the dust. If they look clean after the vacuum, you can use a lint roller later if a touchup is needed.

You have several options for thorough cleaning. You can use the delicate cycle on your washing machine or hand-wash the curtains. It will depend on the sturdiness, quality, as well as the material of the fabric. Check the labels before you proceed.

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