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9 Steps To Clearing Your Kitchen: Where To Start?

You can minimalize your kitchen in several ways. Among them, you can spend a whole day, or if you have little time you can use these recommendations which will take you not more than 15 minutes a day to accomplish. Below, we will show you how to minimalize your kitchen step by step.

Step 1: Start in The Pantry

Start by reviewing the due dates and throw away everything that you will not be able to use before the due dates. Then review what has not expired and keep only what you’ll really use within their shelf life. It’s time to go! Throw them out!

Step 2: Refrigerator and Freezer

organizing my fridge

Repeat the steps of the pantry for the refrigerator and freezer. Do not forget to clean every space that you are going to minimize. There is something about seeing a clean space, which makes you think about what you are going to put there.

Step 3: Plastic Containers

By minimizing your containers, just like crockery. It is important to take into account how many are in the house and how many are used. This will help you not to get rid of anything that you really need. Besides that, it will give you the opportunity to keep those that you really use and inspire you. For some reason, it is one of the elements that seem to multiply by themselves.

Once you know what you use and how many of it you need, it’s time to get rid of the rest. There is no need to have thousands of useless containers in your space.

Step 4: Pots and Pans

Once again, think about the preparations you make to know what utensils you actually use. You will see that you hardly really need that collection of pots of all sizes. By now you already know what to do with the ones you don’t need.

Step 5: Molds for Oven


With the preparations you usually make in mind; be honest with yourself and keep those molds that you will truly use.

Do not kid yourself thinking that maybe later you might need some of these.
The reality is that if you have not used it until now (or only once) there is not much chance that you will need it. As it is something sporadic it is better to borrow it and save yourself having it saved all your life just for that one time.

Step 6: Crockery


How many are in the house? This is the fundamental question to minimize your tableware. You do not need 15 dishes if there are only 3 in the house for example.

Maybe you wonder what I do when I receive visitors? Well, simple. Make sure to have a package of cardboard plates and cutlery in case of having visitors. Not only will it save you space, but you will not have to wash off more when someone comes.

Step 7: Cutlery and Ladles

Cutlery and Ladles

Like crockery, you do not need more than the number of people in the house.
Why do you have a drawer full of forks, spoons, and knives when in reality you only use a couple of each?

Step 8: Home Appliances

Home Appliances

A secret that can help you keep your kitchen clear is – try to use your utensils in more ways than one. And this applies to each of the previous points as well.

By minimizing the number of appliances you have, you not only clear your kitchen and simplify your life, but you have the opportunity to sell what you do not use and make some money in the attempt.

Keep what you really use, do not keep things thinking of a day you will use it. Get rid of kitchenware tools you do not need after separating the things you really use!

Step 9: Others

Some kitchenware tools like a chopping board, drainer, and potatoes peeler, among others can come handy on a good day.
You do not have to love cooking, but it should not be a torture either. The fewer utensils you have, the less time you spend washing, organizing and cleaning. You will see that it becomes more bearable when everything handy.

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