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The Necessity Of Having A Kitchen In The House Even If You Are Very Busy

my kitchen

“The kitchen is the most dynamic area of the House, it is the place that converges more smells, tastes, textures and elements that draw attention to the user and his guests.”

According to the paragraphs above, you can see that it is very important to have a kitchen in the House; much better if it is a small one. Below, we’ll see why it is vital to have it in the house, especially if it is small.

1 – It is a meeting point

The kitchen is a meeting point for family gatherings and, in addition, space where you can explore your passion for food and its preparation.

Many tasks of the day are hung in the fridge; the important dates are hanging there too. In the fridge also are placed notes or diets, and calendar… Let’s say that the fridge is our daily task monitor. The kitchen is a meeting point; it is the area where everyone can find the other. If you have something important to say to someone you’ll do it in the kitchen.

If you imagine your House as a large company, consider your kitchen as the office of the Chef. It is a place where the most important decisions are made by talking and conversing. It is also a place where the most important thing of the day and of the organism is prepared: Food

2 – Create harmony in the family

It is understood that in the kitchen, appeals to all the senses are created – topics of conversation that probably do not arise in other areas of the House.

Though the residence is spacious, the kitchen is an integrated area of greater use (family living) and to the rooms. Everything works in an integrated manner and is oriented towards the garden, allowing communication between different areas. The kitchen is designed as a social space where harmony is created in the family.

A kitchen should be one in which the design does not interfere with the sensory experience that produces what is prepared in it. Its ultimate goal is to convert an everyday and necessary task in a pleasant and social experience.

Some Reasons Why You Must Have A Kitchen In The House

Reason #1: More space and more happiness

Let’s imagine that you want to put a kitchen but you do not have much space. The built-in kitchen is the best option. The same sentence says it and there is not much more to explain: you can have all the elements of the kitchen lined up on a single wall, i.e. incorporated as if they were a single body. The first and obvious advantage that comes to mind is the one that has been mentioned: space.

To have everything together, small departments with many places, even to put a beautiful breakfast room somewhere in the traditional method, which had been occupied. Some designers go beyond and hide the kitchen behind doors, so the spectrum of the atmosphere changes completely and can be used as a second living room in case you organize, for example, a party.

Reason #2: More comfort than we think

Let’s take, for example, the case of the built-in kitchen. There are those who think that the kitchen can generate problems. On the contrary, today built-in kitchens come in all sizes and can be adapted to any type of wall. The built-in kitchen can be much more generous than you ever imagined. With the addition of the cupboard in the same space as the oven and the counter you save a huge amount of space and time in case you have to organize utensils.

Benefits of A Minimal Kitchen

It is always good to debug until you only have the utensils you really use and some extra things (but not too many) because doing so, there are more benefits for you.

Cleaning is easy

The surfaces are almost always free, so simply pass a cloth to remove the dust or any stain. So, when you have a few dishes and cutlery, it is practically impossible to leave them unwashed. In case you want to eat again, just wash the dishes you used before, simply because there are no more (except those that you have for visitors, but those are kept separately).

Cooking is very comfortable

There is nothing like cooking over a clear and clean area. By having few things, cooking becomes simpler and enjoyable; unhindered and with plenty of room to maneuver.

Everything is reachable

The drawers and the cupboards are arranged in such a way that it is very easy to find anything that you need. The utensils and ingredients are always handy.

Less Tupperware = Less rotten food

When you have few Tupperware, it becomes mandatory to review what are being used. If you want to store something and you do not have any free Tupperware, it is likely that they are busy keeping old food. In this way, you force yourself to rotate them and avoid filling the refrigerator with inedible stuffs.

Less expired things

You know exactly what you have in the refrigerator and in the cupboard.
You’ll never have to buy too much food but constantly checking what you have left. This helps you to have more order and avoid accumulating old food.

You want to cook healthy

In a saturated and dirty kitchen you do not want to prepare anything healthy, on the contrary, what you prefer is to eat anything quick and easy. On the other hand, a clean and tidy kitchen motivates you to prepare fresh and healthy foods.

Inspire to have it beautiful

Order calls to order and beauty calls to beauty. Love your kitchen very much and make sure to have it always clean and tidy. Never leave dirty things lying around carelessly, simply because you like to see your kitchen neat and beautiful. This translates into peace of mind and a happy home and by extension, a healthy life.

It is important to remember that everyone should have their kitchen (and their house) as it works best for them. This means, with more or less things according to the style and taste of each one.

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