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Synchronize Your Mind, Emotions, Food, and Exercise

To accomplish a significant transformation in your life, you must first understand some necessary information about you. Recognizing your life management skills requires a conscious look at the fundamental aspects of your habits. Your way of thinking, feeling, eating, and exercising is adaptable.

It can be modified to obtain completely different results than those you have experienced thus far.

Managing tasks in life and shaping a new Lifestyle to meet your desires and aspirations will require 4 elements to be recognized, understood, and then aligned. The goal is to synchronize Your MIND, EMOTIONS, FOOD, and Exercise in a way that best serves you.

Trust that at this present moment, you are at the right place getting the correct information at the precise time.



A habit is any action you do many times without consciously thinking about it; it’s automatic. When you brush your teeth, you don’t think about doing it; you do it. Your brain already knows what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. And, it knows because you have done it for many years; therefore, embedded in your mind. Hence, changing your habits requires motivation, patience, discipline, and consistency.

Creating new healthy habits teaches the brain a new way of doing something. In doing so, the risk of returning to old habits remains since they do not require effort or motivation at execution. They stay in the brain for easy access. Your habits dictate everything you do in your day. So, get ready to stay committed and take action changing old non-working habits to a better way to live.

Healthy habits are beneficial because they influence many aspects of our life, such as health, work, family, and even your social life.

Some examples of healthy habits Include:

  • Meditating
  • Drinking water / Staying Hydrated
  • Reading
  • Talking Positive about others
  • Exercising
  • Brushing your Teeth / Bathing
  • Spending Quality Time with Friends/Family
  • Sleeping 7 to 8 hours daily
  • Making your bed every morning
  • Being Grateful
  • Donating your Time to Help Others
  • Respecting People’s opinions
  • Smiling to Strangers
  • Organizing & Cleaning your space

Make a list of your healthy habits. Recognizing what works in your life is essential so you may do more of it. Take a moment to review your top 5 healthy habits on your list and write next to them the corresponding feelings or emotions.

For Instance: If you have a habit of donating your time to help others, you may feel fortunate and happy because you make a positive impact on others. Doing more of the same will always bring pleasant feelings and emotions to your life.

Some unhealthy habits that can negatively affect you include:

  • Thinking Negatively
  • Eating the wrong foods
  • Oversleeping / Not sleeping Required Amount
  • Consuming alcoholic beverages in excess
  • Smoking / Using Drugs
  • Spending hours watching television
  • Not Caring for you properly (i.e., excessive eating)
  • Watching Bad News on TV
  • Complaining in General (Weather, Traffic, People)
  • Putting other people or yourself down
  • Screaming or Interrupting others

Now, make a list of your unhealthy habits. Bringing them to light empowers you to take action to change them.

Take a moment to review your top 5 unhealthy habits on your list and write next to the feelings or emotions you experience.

For Instance, If you are in the habit of watching bad news on TV before you go to bed, this unhealthy habit creates anxiety, nervousness, stress and triggers unsafe feelings. If you cannot reach a deep sleep or have a full night rest, begin by changing this habit.

Make it a habit to recognize what you are doing well in your life and create more of it.

Taking Action

take action

Taking action is powerful; it transforms your life. Courage and focus are required to move your plans forward. Simple daily tasks such as getting out of bed on time and making yourself a nutritious breakfast can become an overwhelming task if your habits point in the opposite direction.

More ambitious goals require you to leave your comfort zone. To take action, especially if you are afraid of the unfamiliar, feeling uncomfortable can be a big enough obstacle to discourage you.

The great news is that there is light on the other side. Once you manage to break any ambitious goal into small steps, you make progress completing one task at a time until reaching full completion.

You will also be more confident in yourself and have the ability to get tasks accomplished.
Additionally, you will enjoy and reap the benefit of positive results just because you took action. Every action you take moves you forward and shapes your future to be better and brighter. Taking small steps to reach bigger goals will bring into line your true desires for a Better Lifestyle.

Pass It On!

sharing and generosity

“To the extent that you have given, it’s the measure in which you shall receive.”

Sharing is an actual act of generosity. Being kind and generous with anything you possess, including knowledge, emotions, information, or material things can help someone improve their lives.

There is always something to share with others; as you do, you abandon selfishness, and life takes on a different meaning. Giving creates space for receiving more of the same or better.

As you acquire knowledge and discover new ways to live a meaningful, successful, and productive life, share it with everybody. Sharing and passing on information is a substantial value to have as part of your new Lifestyle.

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