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From Which Cactus is Tequila Made?

Correct! Wrong!

Commonly called blue agave or tequila agave is an agave plant that is an important economic product of Jalisco, Mexico, due to its role as the base ingredient of tequila, a popular distilled beverage. The high production of sugars named agavins, mostly fructose, in the core of the plant is the main characteristic that makes it suitable for the preparation of alcoholic beverages.

Which Country is The Origin of The Cocktail Mojito?

Correct! Wrong!

Traditionally, a mojito is a cocktail that consists of five ingredients: white rum, sugar (traditionally sugar cane juice), lime juice, soda water, and mint. Its combination of sweetness, citrus, and herbaceous mint flavors is intended to complement the rum, and has made the mojito a popular summer drink

What is The Most Famous Mexican Beer?

corona beer
Correct! Wrong!

Corona Extra is a pale lager produced by Cervecería Modelo in Mexico for domestic distribution and export to all other countries besides the United States, and by Constellation Brands in Mexico for export to the United States.


What is The Most Famous Beer in Ireland?

guinness beer
Correct! Wrong!

It is popular with the Irish, both in Ireland and abroad. In spite of declining consumption since 2001, it is still the best-selling alcoholic drink in Ireland where Guinness & Co. Brewery makes almost €2 billion worth of beer annually.

What Color Are Most English Wines?

Correct! Wrong!

Most of the wine produced is of a white and sparkling variety, with the majority of vineyards in existence across Southern England and Wales where the climate is warmer than that of northern areas.

What Beer is Marketed as The King of Beers?

Correct! Wrong!

The Budweiser from Budějovice has been called "The Beer of Kings" since the 16th century. Adolphus Busch adapted this slogan to "The King of Beers." This history notwithstanding, Anheuser Busch owns the trademark to these slogans in the United States.


Which Famous Brewer From Amsterdam Did Die in The Year 2002?

Correct! Wrong!

Alfred Henry Heineken, who built an Amsterdam brewer into one of the world's biggest beer companies, died on Thursday at his home in the Dutch coastal town of Noordwijk. He was 78 and died of pneumonia.

Which Country is The Origin of The Stella Beer?

Correct! Wrong!

Stella Artois is a Belgian pilsner of between 4.8 and 5.2 percent ABV which was first brewed by Brouwerij Artois (the Artois Brewery) in Leuven, Belgium, in 1926. Since 2008, a 4.8 percent ABV version has also been sold in Britain, Ireland and Canada. Stella Artois is now owned by Interbrew International B.V. which is a subsidiary of the world's largest brewer, Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV

In Which Part of The United States is The Zinfandel Grape Chiefly Cultivated?

Correct! Wrong!

Zinfandel (also known as Primitivo) is a variety of black-skinned wine grape. The variety is grown in over 10 percent of California vineyards. The grape found its way to the United States in the mid-19th century, where it became known by variations of a name applied to a different grape, likely "Zierfandler" from Austria.


What is The Normal Capacity For a Bottle of Wine?

Correct! Wrong!

Recently the bottle has become a standard unit of volume to describe sales in the wine industry, measuring 750 milliliters (26.40 imp fl oz; 25.36 US fl oz). Wine bottles are produced, however, in a variety of volumes and shapes.

If you can't pass this quiz then you should stop drinking
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You either took this quiz drunk, don't drink at all, or just don't pay any attention to what you do drink.
Professional Drunk.

Alcohol drunk

You are very agreeable when sober, and you stay very agreeable when drunk. Your levels of conscientiousness and intellect also decrease little.
"Casual Drinker"


You are a "casual drinker". You would be someone who occasionally has up to a few drinks (enough to "get buzzed", i.e. to know that you are intoxicated, but not so much that you become seriously impaired). You would enjoy a couple of beers after a particularly tough workday, or to have a glass of wine with dinner occasionally.

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